Regulatory press release
The exercise period for Prostatype Genomic’s warrants of series 3 begins today
“From today you can exercise the Warrants you received free of charge in our latest rights issue. We have since then made tremendous progress in the process of get market access in the US and we hope you will continue supporting Prostatype Genomics. We are well underway of making the Prostatype test accessible on the US market and expects to get reimbursement for our product in the end of the year. We have a very exciting year ahead of us”, says Fredrik Rickman (previously Persson), CEO Prostatype Genomics.
Summary of Warrant terms and conditions and key dates
Each Warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one new share in Prostatype Genomics, and upon full exercise of the Warrants, the Company will receive approximately SEK 10.0 million before deductions for issuing costs. The exercise price was determined during the measurement period to 0.04 SEK per share, and the exercise period begins today and runs up to, and including, April 19, 2024. Note that an earlier deadline for exercise may apply to holders of Warrants held with a custodian. The last day of trading in the Warrants is April 17, 2024.
Complete terms and conditions for the Warrants are available on the Company's website and in the prospectus prepared by the Board of Directors of Prostatype Genomics in connection with the Rights Issue. The prospectus is available on the Company's and Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)'s respective websites. It is also available on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's website
Please find the summary of the offer attached.
Shares and share capital
Upon full exercise of the Warrants, the number of shares in Prostatype Genomics will increase by 249,921,984 shares to a total of 1,038,208,434 shares, and the share capital will increase by SEK 2,499,219.84 to SEK 10,382,084.34.
Exercise of warrants
Trustee-registered Warrants
If the warrant holder has their Warrants in a share depository, in an investment savings account (Sw. ISK), or an endowment insurance (Sw. Kapitalförsäkring) (trustee-registered holdings), subscription and payment will take place with the nominee, who will provide further instructions on the procedure for exercising the Warrants. Warrant holders should contact their nominee well in advance for further instructions regarding the exercise of Warrants, as different nominees have different processing times.
Directly registered Warrants (VP account)
Application is made via a subscription form available on Carnegie Investment Bank AB’s (publ) website and Prostatype Genomics' website A pre-printed subscription form has been sent to directly registered warrant holders. Payment is made according to instructions on the application form. Both the subscription form and payment must be received by Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) by April 19, 2024.
Trading of Warrants
Holders who do not wish to exercise their warrants may sell them on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The Warrants are traded until and including April 17, 2024, under the short name PROGEN TO3 and with ISIN SE0021150794. Warrants not exercised for subscription will expire without value.
Prostatype Genomics mandated Penser By Carnegie and Advokatfirman Lindahl as financial and legal advisors respectively in connection with the Rights Issue.
For further information about Prostatype Genomics, please contact:
Fredrik Rickman (previously Persson), CEO Prostatype Genomics AB
Telephone: +46 (0) 73 049 77 01.
About Prostatype Genomics AB
Prostatype® is a genetic test that is available to patients and treating urologists as a supplementary decision support tool to answer the question of radical treatment or no radical treatment of prostate cancer. The test is developed by a research group at Karolinska Institutet and is provided by Prostatype Genomics AB.
Certified Advisor
Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ), +46 (0)73 856 42 65,
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