Regulatory press release
Prostatype Genomics publishes Annual Report for 2023
Prostatype Genomics AB today publishes the Annual Report for the financial year of 2023. The Annual Report (Swedish) is attached as a PDF and is available on the company's webpage:
The English version of the Annual Report will be available to downloaded from the company’s webpage within shortly.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Rickman (previously Persson), CEO Prostatype Genomics AB
Telephone: +46 (0) 73 049 77 01
About Prostatype Genomics AB
Prostatype® is a genetic test that is available to patients and treating urologists as a complementary decision basis for the question of treatment or non-treatment of prostate cancer. The test was developed by a research group at Karolinska Institutet and is provided by Prostatype Genomics AB. The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB.