Board of directors

Anders Lundberg
Chairman of the Board (member of the board since 2017)
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. Founder and CEO of a telecom equipment supplier recognized by the market and later brought to a successful IPO in 2011 on the MID-CAP list OMX-Nasdaq [TRMO:Transmode]
Other assignments:
AJ Lundberg Kapitalförvaltning AB; Board member
Sollentunafastigheter 2 AB; Deputy board member
Sollentunahem AB; Deputy board member
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics, its senior management and major shareholders.
Holdings in the Company:
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Håkan Englund
Board Member since 2019
Various courses in economics and chemistry from Uppsala University, Sweden. Courses in polymer technology at Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. CEO and owner, JDS Invest. More than 30 years of operational and investment experience from life science and health care industry with focus on commercialization and business development. Håkan has held several leading management positions at Pharmacia Biotech and Phadia and has during his career developed extensive national and international relevant networks.
Other assignments:
Antrad Medical AB; Board member
SecureAppbox AB; Chairman of the Board
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics, its senior management and major shareholders.
Holdings in the Company:
See Insiders information

Dr. Michael Häggman
Board Member since 2018
M.D, Ph.D. associate professor, department of Urology, Akademiska University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden. More than 30 years of experience practicing as urologist with an extensive national and international network among urologists.
Other assignments:
Skrotum Kommanditbolag; General partner
Kardinaltalet AB; Deputy board member
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics, its senior management and major shareholders.
Holdings in the Company:
See Insiders information

Jörgen Dahlström
Board member since 2023.
Holds a Ph.D. in Immunology and a M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Uppsala University and an Executive MBA. Jörgen is the CEO of Mercodia, a Swedish based Life Science company and has more than 25 years’ experience from the international Life Science industry. The main focus has been on developing and executing company strategies for commercialization and business growth. He has held several senior leadership positions including CEO of Svar Life Science. Jörgen has an extensive strategic and commercial experience and a wide international network.
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics, its senior management and major shareholders
Holdings in the Company:
See Insiders information

Mattias Prage
Board Member since 2022
Lawyer and partner at Advokatfirman Lindahl, specialized in corporate law, financing and commercial contracts.
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics, its senior management and major shareholders.
Holdings in the Company:
See Insiders information

Johan Waldhe
Board Member since 2024
Over twenty years of experience in marketing and communications for companies in the financial industry and publicly traded companies, including some of the most well-known Nordic and Global asset managers and many companies within innovative technology, life science and green energy. Founder or co-founder of communication companies, including the IR communication agency Honeybadger of which he is currently CEO. Active as a private investor in publicly traded Nordic companies. Has a keen interest in innovations that can improve the life conditions for humans, animals and nature.
Other assignments:
Honeybadger AB; Board member and CEO
Biidger AB; Board member and CEO
Independent in relation to Prostatype Genomics and its senior management, not independent in relation to major shareholders.
Holdings in the Company:
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