Non-regulatory press release

Prostatype superior in new study published in The Prostate

In a recently published study conducted at Skåne University Hospital, Prostatype® shows significantly better results in predicting death from prostate cancer within 10 years compared to both D'Amico and CAPRA, today's leading classification system for prostate cancer. The study was recently published in The Prostate, a leading peer-reviewed publication aimed at, among others, urologists and pathologists.

The study "Validation of the prognostic value of a three-gene signature and clinical parameters-based risk score in prostate cancer patients" included 316 patients who were diagnosed with prostate cancer at Skåne University Hospital during the years 2008-2010. The purpose of the study was to evaluate Prostatype's ability to predict the risk of dying or not dying from prostate cancer within 10 years after diagnosis, which is the measure often used in research and in the clinic to determine how a patient should be treated or monitored.

The gene expressions of the three genes included in the P-Score were measured and combined with the clinical parameters, Gleason, PSA value and tumor stage, to calculate a P-score. The results shows that the P-Score has a significantly better ability to predict death in prostate cancer compared to the current standard methods, D'Amico and CAPRA.

Professor Jerry Andriole, medical director at Prostatype Genomics, believes the new results are very important from a patient perspective: "Both overtreatment and undertreatment of prostate cancer are major problems with very serious consequences for the patient. A prognostic test like Prostatype® is an invaluable tool when different treatment options are discussed, and the results from this very well-conducted study show that the results are superior to today's golden standard methods, which increases confidence in the P-score as a valuable decision aid."

Prostatype Genomics CEO Fredrik Persson comments on the publication: "It is of course gratifying that such an important publication as The Prostate publishes two successful studies for Prostatype® recently. This further strengthens Prostatype's scientific footprint, but above all, the results show the benefit Prostatype® contributes to both healthcare and patients. We often get questions about how Prostatype® performs compared to today's standard tools, and now independent data shows we have very strong data that scientifically establishes that Prostatype® provides crucial and valuable information as a decision support when considering treatment options for prostate cancer.”